Doug Levere

June 2, 2005 - July 2, 2005

New York Changing is Douglas Levere’s photographic record of the ever-changing landscape of New York City. Guided by Berenice Abbott’s 1930’s project, Levere revisited the exact location of images shot by Abbott, neighborhoods and former storefronts, and documented the evolution of the metropolis known for constantly reinventing itself. The exhibition consists of vintage Abbott prints paired with Levere’s, producing a remarkable commentary on the evolution of a city, and also encourages the viewer to consider the rate and meaning of progress.With meticulous attention to detail, Levere duplicated Abbott’s composition, techniques, and even used Abbott’s own large format camera. Each shot was taken at the same time of year and same time of day as Abbott’s. A book on the project was recently published by Princeton Architectural Press.