Tony Mendoza



January 2, 2009 - February 1, 2009

Tony Mendoza did his first project in color photography in 2004.  At first, he says, “I found it difficult to come up with a colorful subject in Columbus Ohio, where I live.  Then I thought of my wife’s flower and vegetable garden in our town’s community garden, so I went over there and started taking pictures of the flowers.” Mendoza’s Flower photographs walk that line between the familiar and the unreal.

Contributing to this is Mendoza’s choice to make the photographs from different perspective, shooting close to the ground.  About this decision, Mendoza says, “Right away I photographed from a low vantage point of view, probably because I’ve photographed cats and dogs from their eye-level, to depict the world as they see it.”

Always a cat person, Tony Mendoza began his Bob project in 2005 when he adopted a Dachshund with strange eyes.  As a photographer serially obsessed with projects, Bob fit the bill. Mendoza says, “When you live with a dog, everything changes. You can’t help being amazed.  I’m amazed by Bob, and I hope these pictures reflect my amazement. He is like a little human being, equally intelligent, and equally complicated. I really like him. I’ve been photographing him for three years, every week.”