Ann Kendellen
Artist Statement
For two weeks in the fall of 2022, the home I share with my husband unexpectedly became the temporary residence for my one-year-old grandson Mateo, his parents, and Margarita, his abuelita. In the exact middle of those two weeks his baby sister Valentina was born.
The time we spent together could be described in many ways: funny, loving, crowded, somewhat chaotic, and rather confusing for Mateo. We blended families, cultures and generations. We juggled responsibilities, shared meals, told stories, and laughed a lot.
Moment to moment bodies and objects moved. When my hands were free and my attention not distracted, I made images. Each signifies a small piece of this intense yet loving time.
Creating this work also reflects back to my much earlier series about life with two young sons. I used film to make Familyscapes, and the solitude of darkroom work provided a needed escape. This time the speed and ease of digital technology helped manage the workload.
I find the slightly more removed gaze of a grandparent reshapes my viewpoint. The interactions among generations become more notable; it is no longer only about the remarkable chaos a child can impose. Our family unit is enlarged, much as our hearts which embrace it all.
Ann Kendellen | Portland, OR