Brian McGloin


Artist Statement

Photography for me isn't something I go do, it's part of who I am - how I record and illustrate my experience and organize my often-chaotic thought process.

For example, whenever I plan for travel of any kind, be it by bicycle, train or aircraft, my first thought is about how the place might look and the light, followed closely by what camera to bring. Only after I finalize the image- making details do I consider clothing, camp equipment or other necessities.

My professional photography background is in journalism, documentary and commercial work. I've done most of that work in Connecticut, the New York metropolitan area, San Antonio, Austin and Portland, OR.

Alongside my professional work has always been fun or creative photography, be it plastic cameras, weird film or other experimental avenues for creating imagery. Often, I find that imperfect photographic methods reveal images that may be less factual but far more real.

Brian McGloin | Portland, OR



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