John Kane


Artist Statement

I once photographed a tall palm tree in Palm Springs with long-expired Polaroid SX-70 film. The result was a bit of a mess, with developer paste leaking all over the film and the camera and my hands, but it produced a picture beautiful for its flaws as much as for its subject.

During the pandemic, in 2020 and 2021, looking for crafty things I could do in my home studio, I decided to scan the Time-Zero print and then reprinted it hundreds of times, in many different sizes, on thin kozo paper. I trimmed the prints and made collages by gluing them one on top of another in arrangements that simultaneously invented new palm morphologies and played with the light and color flaws in the original photograph.

I made at least 30 of these works, in a variety of sizes, some too large for the PNW Drawers. Each collage is handmade and unique.

John Kane | Issaquah, WA



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