Kate Ampersand

Artist Statement
This series is part of an ongoing project I began during the pandemic: visually playing around with that coolest- looking of typographical characters - the Ampersand. Not only do ampersands vary from basic to elaborate, they can also signify both inclusion and contradiction. My goal here was to photographically represent ampersands as elements in everyday expressions (and a few made-up words) ... but with a twist.
The challenges I established included limiting myself to flat lay compositions; using common objects to illustrate each selected phrase; and taking advantage of (mostly) natural lighting. Wanting to pursue this project in an environmentally-sensitive way, I created my designs from things I could easily find around the house, or scavenge or construct myself. After making each photograph, I broke down the arrangements into their constituent parts, which I then recycled, donated or ate. (You may notice that M&Ms appear in several of these images.)
My eye has always been drawn to patterns, textures and forms, and unlike many contemporary photographers, I use absolutely no Photoshop and do only minimal editing. I prefer capturing real life moments as they actually exist, in camera, rather than sitting at the computer producing digitally-manipulated images.
The experiments in this series are a significant departure from my usual style of photography. In addition, the titles of each piece are integral parts of the whole presentation. Some are simple (Pride & Joy), some straightforward (Stampersand), and some are just silly (Cheese & Quackers). Although these photos are far from 'picture perfect' and offer minimal redeeming social value (if any), my hope is that the viewer might enjoy some visual fun & games while figuring out which ampersand-incorporating phrase is depicted in any particular image.
Kate Ampersand | Portland, OR
Fish & Chips, 2022
Digital print
12” x 12”