Hermon Joyner

Artist Statement:
“Much of what is wrong with the world can be traced to humanity’s sense of agency over the world. People feel they have the right, and even the obligation, to control the natural world and all that is in it. That somehow, a tree or shrub needs to be controlled and corralled, unless it is allowed to run free. These bright orange netted and cloth fences stand out against their surroundings in an intentional way. A way to signal danger or limit access. They serve as pointless reminders of our irrational agency over the world we inhabit.”
Artist Bio:
“I have been photographing seriously since 1980, both as an exhibiting artist and as a commercial photographer. Since that time I have used a variety of machines, from 8x10 and 4x5 view cameras to medium format digital cameras. Currently I find myself using mostly one camera and one lens in my work. I compose in the viewfinder as I photograph and previsualize the final image as I work.”