Aunna Moriarty

Dreams happen in just a few seconds but can feel like an eternity and often haunt me throughout my day. Almost every morning, I wake up disoriented, saying "I had a really strange dream last night", feeling like my reality has been misplaced. My work is influenced by feminine archetypes as well as mental health issues and is often reflective of my own personal narrative as an artist living with Bipolar and OCD. Treatment is about process, process, process. By constructing sets and performing in my work, I am able to investigate and process how my unfinished thoughts, called day residues, manifest during sleep. Dreams are my signifier that my mind never rests. And in That Moment allows me to materialize my distorted experiences of people, places, colors, and time. This project is not meant to be a literal translation of dreamland as there are often missing pieces and interruptions throughout the night but rather, it seizes the lingering emotions and disturbances released from these ephemeral moments.