Out of the Drawers: Embodied


On view April 4 - June 2, 2019

Curated by Ryan Cade. Photographs by Anastasia Babenko, Ian Cole, Ebenezer Galluzzo, Zachary Krahmer, and Amie LeeKing.

What does it mean to take up space? How is it different for those of us who are queer, trans, houseless, disabled, or people of color? Marginalized groups often struggle to find authentic representation of themselves in media - to see their stories embodied in the world. These photographers give voices to those often silenced, and provide space for them to tell their own stories through their bodies.

In order to provide more visibility for artists participating in our 2019 Pacific Northwest Drawers exhibition, we have turned our library wall into a Drawers exhibition space. Exhibitions typically rotate every other month and feature multiple prints by four or five artists at a time.