☁️ July at Blue Sky

Summer dreaming with July exhibitions & programs at Blue Sky!

Exhibitions at Blue Sky in May


Jennifer Georgescu’s Mother Series comes to Blue Sky

image © Jennifer Gerogescu

July 9 - 30

Member Preview Day - July 8

Artist Talk - July 14, 12 PM (PT) on Zoom

Jennifer Georgescu's Mother Series communicates how the artist grapples with the loss of sense of self as she grows into motherhood, and the complicated relationship to her own mortality. In her own words, Georgescu says, “Motherhood is precious and raw; wonderful and dark.” Jennifer Georgescu’s work describes instinctual aspects of humanity correlating to and differing from societal structuring. With a background in painting and photographic arts, she utilizes digital technology to “paint” with reality. Her projects analyze dualisms in language, relationships, mythologies and control.

Kelli Connell brings Double Life, 20 Years to Blue Sky

image © Kelli Connell

July 9 - 30

Member Preview Day - July 8

Artist Talk - July 23, 1 PM at Blue Sky

Kelli Connell’s work investigates sexuality, gender, identity and photographer / sitter relationships. In this multi-year project, Double Life, the Chicago-based artist opens up new dialogues about women and aging. By combining multiple images of the same model in each image, the dualities of the self are defined through body language and clothing. Connell received her MFA in photography from Texas Woman’s University, and her BFA in both photography and visual art studies from the University of North Texas. She is a recent recipient of a 2021 Guggenheim Fellowship in Photography.


2022 Members Show Call for Entry


For the 2022 Annual Members Show, Blue Sky is inviting members to submit work that responds to the theme of Connection. We look forward to receiving YOUR visual interpretation of the theme. AND, the work must, of course, be photo-based.

For the inaugural Members Show, we asked members to Visualize 2020, as many of us grappled with the shape of the future ahead. The 2021 theme Transitions provoked imagery of change and impermanence. This year, many of us seek a more grounding space and one of Connection

Learn more about how to become a member and submit for the show here.