Kristy Hruska

Artist Statement
I’ve Been Lost Here Before
Secret /ˈsēkrit/
1.done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others
2.designed or working to escape notice, knowledge, or observation
Somewhere between how we live in the light of day, and how others seem to know us, sits a world that only we know exists: the realm of our deepest secrets. For some, secret worlds, or secrets themselves, offer a degree of autonomy and freedom from everyday lives, while for others, secrets threaten the very fabric of the lives they’ve created. Often it’s both. Each of us intuitively knows that there is a cost to be paid if the doorway to our most private of worlds is opened to another person, wittingly or unwittingly.
Secrets can be a form of self-preservation and also of self-destruction. I’ve Been Lost Here Before is an ongoing exploration of that undisclosed space. How much of ourselves have we truly revealed and how much has been truly revealed to us?
Kristy Hruska | Portland, OR