Colt Kranig


Artist Statement:

“The concept of agency has fascinated me since my early dives into the study of philosophy. The way in which life comes into being, exerts its will through agentive actions onto the world around it, and the eventual vanquishment of this agency by time, decay and death is, to me, the most beautiful aspect of existence. Struggle is the inherent driving force of life. I selected these photos because I feel they represent this struggle of agency over different forces in our world: political, evolutionary, conformity, acquiring sustenance, and finally, death. All life is united and at odds in its never ending struggle of exerting its agency.”

Artist Bio:

“Portland based photographer Colt Kranig, has been on an evolving journey to share the intrinsic beauty of the world that saturates his experience. His work is heavily influenced by his childhood passions of exploring the natural world, urban environments, and the interplay between life, time, and death.”