Joe Whittington

Artist Statement:

“Change is very much around us in the natural world as well as our response, or non-response, to it. The following photos are visual memories of those changes.

Fort Dufur - Sometimes enitre buildings are abandoned and go into gradual decay. I could not find any information about when this building was constructed, what it was used for, and when it was abandoned. However, in more recent images the first 8 is missing - 1 84.

Perito Moreno Glacier- Glaciers are one of the most visible representations of climate change. The Perito Moreno in Argentina is now diminishing as the rate of the calving and melting is faster than the replenishment of the snow. This huge wave resulting from a massive ice chunk calving off strongly rocked our tour boat.”

Artist Bio:

“I am a Portland native who has had the opportunity to travel the extensively both for work and leisure. I am a retired US Navy Intelligence Officer, High-Tech Marketing Manager, College Professor, and Mountain and Trekking Guide.

I stay alert to compositions that evote an emotional response. My work has been in many galleries in Oregon, adorn private homes, and published in various calendars and publications.”