Leslie Peltz


Artist Statement

My husband of 52 years and I shopped the morning of February 28th and at 4 am March 1st he died. After a week of funeral and mourning, family and friends left. I was alone at 74. My analog cameras lay idle. FaceTime and Zoom became my contact with family and friends. For weeks I didn’t drive. Now I walk 4-5 miles daily. Beaverton is nearby. I walk and discover change. Apartment buildings are under construction along with an arts complex. The photos taken on my iPhone show the changes taking place and the new Beaverton that will emerge.

Artist Bio

I grew up in post-World War II Brooklyn with the city’s art museums and have a BFA and an MA. I discovered B/W photography when I received a Nikon FE for my 50th birthday. Skateboarder, silo and grain elevator series were shot on a Holga. In 2019 I acquired an old Leica CL. Today I’m a member of The Portland Darkroom. In 1973 my husband and I moved to Oregon. He was my partner in my photography adventures. Since he died March 1st, my film cameras sit unused. I’m shooting with my iPhone, but don’t know about the future.


$100 each